предпочитаю клипы по любимым пейрингам подрайвовее, но по Квелиоту почему-то одни сопли) пока только этот нравится)

Eliot: Deja vu.
Quentin: Peaches and plums. Peaches and plums.
Eliot: Peaches and plums. I got so old.
Quentin: You died.
Eliot: I died. You had a wife. And we had a family.
Quentin: How do we remember that?
Eliot: I don’t know.
«the Magicians», s03e05

Eliot: Deja vu.
Quentin: Peaches and plums. Peaches and plums.
Eliot: Peaches and plums. I got so old.
Quentin: You died.
Eliot: I died. You had a wife. And we had a family.
Quentin: How do we remember that?
Eliot: I don’t know.
«the Magicians», s03e05